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Love heart leaf in water.


What is Bodywork?

​The Bodywork that I practice is called Transformative Bodywork. The practice is a collaborative approach, involving talking and touch to address any topic important to you through the body, with the body.


The way that I work begins with awareness of the body and the breath. 

These simple focuses are the starting point for conscious perception on different levels. 

Feeling and accepting being where you are with your whole body. Establishing trust that everything is already ok as it is.

In this safe framework, old protective mechanisms and habits that are no longer necessary can become conscious, and can be let go of and washed away through the body.


Emotions can be digested and repressed parts of our potential can be reintegrated. 

Energy can flow more freely. 

Consciousness can expand and grow.

Integrity, love, inspiration, relaxation become lighter

The energy previously invested in old protections and habits can now be used for current goals. Whether it is physical recovery, integrity in relationships, or the implementation of a project.

The transformation process always results in a growth in one's own resilience. 

What happens in a session?

Transformative Bodywork is based on our collaboration. Together we learn about your body, how you can live your potential more easily and/or how you can recover physically. The more you engage in and after the session, the more you can receive from the work. 



In the first session, together we will find your goal and, if necessary, clarify or adjust it later. 

If you feel stuck in a situation(s) in your life, we can aim to break this automatic cycle. In other words, identifying a limiting pattern and changing it. Such patterns often show up on the surface as physical tension, numbness, stagnant feelings, fears, or repetitive thoughts. 

Dissolving old patterns allows space for new experiences, well-being, recovery from pain, self confidence and the perception of new possibilities.


How do you learn to achieve your goals in the sessions?

You will learn to increase your attention and energy levels through touch and conversation. This includes breathing more freely, relaxing and allowing the mind to be more still. 

You will learn to perceive and consciously release your unconscious protection and stagnation patterns through the body. Old experiences can be digested and the energy released can be used for recovery or you can direct that energy and clarity toward your life goals.



How long does a process take?

The number of sessions required depends on your goal, the severity and duration of your complaint, your age and your active involvement in the process.

There should be a noticeable change after the first 4 weeks of regular sessions. Otherwise, it makes sense to talk about whether or how to continue the process. 

As with all things in life, not everything suits everyone. You can end the process at any time. 


Proven structures for a successful process:​

- Weekly one-on-one session

- Intensive blocks: 2 sessions daily for 2-5 days. (Recommended for very focused work on a topic.)



Hugh has a wonderful way of creating a safe space to reflect on where I am and where I want to go in the first conversation.

This then continued through the body work part of the session, supporting my mind body and spirit coming back home into wholeness. This work is profound, I felt heard mentally and physically and helped energise Stagnant energy. Like wiping the mist off the window, life just felt clear beautiful again.

Phoenix Tanner

Hugh demonstrating Bodywork in Barnin.

Group Bodywork Workshop

In addition to the one on one sessions, I also facilitate group Bodywork sessions.

These are often part of an event or retreat to support and integrate the dance and contact work. 

The sessions involve physical exercises to raise the level of energy in the body and bring a collective attention to giving and receiving touch.

 I offer some principles & techniques to come in to touch with others with clarity and ease in one’s own body. And we explore these through exchange with a partner or partners. 

Afterwards we have a verbal sharing with the partner or group we exchanged with to integrate and process the experience. 


The techniques for this workshop are drawn from a combination of the Transformative Bodywork approach and from my experiences as a dancer and Contacter over my career of moving and working with touch.



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